55th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- April 19, 2025
- Theme:
- T.B.D.
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- T.B.D.
54th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- March 15, 2025
- Theme:
- IoT Mission Idea Presentation
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- Max Berthet, The University of Tokyo
53rd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- February 15, 2025
- Theme:
- PreMIC9 Finalists Presentation and MIC9 Kickoff
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- George Maeda, ArkEdge Space
Movie | Title of presentation | Presenter |
Opening Remarks |
Herman Steyn
Stellenbosch University |
Supporting Company Presentation |
Masayuki Urata
ispace, inc. |
Taiwan-India Lunar Dust Analysis (TILDA) Mission |
Yi-Hsuan Li
National Taipei University of Technology |
SWIMOL (Solar Wind Impact and Measurement Observation on Lunar Surface): 6U CubeSat for analyzing solar wind phenomena on the lunar surface. |
Hideki Farhan Kimura, Radith Satria Hariadi and Rafli Caesario Dimarta
Telkom University |
Taiwan-India Lunar Mapping Constellation (TILMaC) |
Nikhil Riyaz, Inbisat Yousuf Nath and Shuvam Pal
Group Photo session |
LunaScan (Lunar Observation Using Cubesat) |
I Dewa Made Raviandra Wedagama and Najmi Aqilah Mamur Tanjung
Telkom University |
Lunar Multi-Rovar Lava Tube Exploration (LuMEX) |
Yunus Ozdemir
Middle East Technical University |
Announcement and Acknowledgement |
Haruka Yasuda
UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
52nd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- January 18, 2025
- Theme:
- New Year's Greetings and Local Chapter Activity Report
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- Max Berthet, The University of Tokyo
Details for IoT constellation program
51st Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- December 21, 2024
- Theme:
- Local Chapter Activity Report
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- A. Rüstem Aslan, Istanbul Technical University
Movie | Title of presentation | Presenter |
Opening Speech |
A. Rüstem Aslan
Istanbul Technical University |
UNISEC-Colombia |
Giovanna Estefanía Ramírez Ruiz
UNISEC-Colombia |
UNISEC-Kazakhstan |
Nursultan Doszhan
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University |
UNISEC-Malaysia |
Fatimah Zaharah Ali
Universiti Teknologi MARA |
UNISEC-Mexico |
Hermes Moreno Álvarez
Autonomous University of Chihuahua |
Group Photo session |
UNISEC-Nepal |
Sakshyam Pandey
UNISEC-Nepal |
UNISEC-Samara |
Igor V. Belokonov
Samara State Aerospace University |
UNISEC-Tunisia |
Kamel Besbes
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir |
POC of Portugal |
Juan Nolasco |
Announcement and Acknowledgement |
Haruka Yasuda, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
50th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- November 16, 2024
- Theme:
- Local Chapter Activity Report
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim, EGYPT-JAPAN University of Science and Technology
49th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- October 19, 2024
- Theme:
- CLTP Session
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- Maximilien Berthet, The University of Tokyo
48th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- September 21, 2024
- Theme:
- Introduction to J-CUBE
- Host:
- UNISEC-Japan
- Moderator:
- Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology
47th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- August 17, 2024
- Theme:
- Frequency Coordination and Ground Station Network
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- George Maeda, ArkEdge Space
46th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- July 20, 2024
- Theme:
- Industry-Academia Collaboration for Sustainable Satellite Project
- Host:
- UNISEC-Malaysia
- Moderator:
- Fatimah Zaharah Ali, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Dr Fatimah Zaharah Ali
POC UNISEC-Malaysia & Senior Lecturer in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) |
Prof Dr Mohamad Huzaimy Jusoh
Professor, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) |
Dr Norilmi Amilia Ismail
Founder & CEO of SpaceIn |
Group Photo session
All participants |
Mr Mohd Jamil Mohd Nor
Partner & Co-Founder of Vanguard Space Industries (VSI) |
Mr Izmir Yamin
Founder, CEO & CTO of Independence-X Aerospace |
Announcement and Closing
Haruka Yasuda, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
45th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- June 15, 2024
- Theme:
- CubeSat History Project
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- George Maeda, ArkEdge Space
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Rei Kawashima
UNISEC-Global Secretariat |
- Self introduction of panelists
Robert Twiggs
Jordi Puig-Suari
Yuichi Tsuda
Klaus Schilling
- Panel discussion

Panel discussion ~Part 1~
- Moderator of panel discussion:
- Aaron Zucherman
- Panelists:
- Robert Twiggs, Twiggs Space Lab
Co-inventor of the CubeSat standard
- Jordi Puig-Suari
A former professor of Aerospace Engineering at Cal Poly, Co-inventor of the CubeSat standard
- Yuichi Tsuda, JAXA
Professor at ISAS-JAXA, Project Manager of Hayabusa2 Asteroid Sample-Return Mission
- Klaus Schilling, President of the Center for Telematics
A former professor of Robotics and Telematics at the University of Würzburg
Group Photo session |
Panel discussion ~Part 2~
- Panel discussion
- Q&A with audience
Haruka Yasuda
UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
44th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- May 18, 2024
- Theme:
- Go to the Moon
- Host:
- UNISEC-Japan
- Moderator:
- George Maeda, ArkEdge Space
43rd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- April 20, 2024
- Theme:
- Nano-Satellite Activities in Mexico
- Host:
- UNISEC-Mexico
- Moderator:
- Barbara Bermudez Reyes
42nd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- March 16, 2024
- Theme:
- Student Initiatives and Projects at UNISON-Global
- Host:
- UNISON-Global
- Moderator:
- Max Berthet
41st Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- February 17, 2024
- Theme:
- Small Satellite Initiatives in India-BIG Benefits to Academia
- Host:
- UNISEC-India
- Moderator:
- Kiran S Hegde, Student Representative of UNISEC India
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Dr. L.V. Muralikrishna Reddy
President, UNISEC India, President, Indian Technology Congress Association and 75 Students' Satellites Consortium Mission |
Small Satellite Initiatives in India and Opportunities for Academia
Padma Shri Prof. R. M. Vasagam
Eminent Scientist, ISRO. Project Director,India’s First Geo-Stationary Communication Satellite “APPLE”. Former Vice Chancellor, Anna University, Dr.MGR University, India |
Spacecraft RF Characterization
Prof. Puneet Kumar Mishra
Board of Governors, IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Systems Society, Region 10 (Asia and Pacific) India, Eminent Scientist, ISRODone RF Characterization of 47 Satellites, 325 Antennas, and Radomes |

Insight into Risc V and AI & ML for Space Applications
Dr. Antony Louis Piriyakumar
Dean-R&D, Cambridge Institute of Technology(CIT), Bangalore, India
Dr. Cyril Prasanna Raj P
Director, Cambrian Consultancy Center and Industrial Research, CIT |
Group Photo session
All participants |
"Think big, stay SMALL", A vision for Space Internet of Things (Space IoT)
Prof. R. Venkatesha Prasad
Associate Professor, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, Fellow IETE, Embedded Software, EEMCS, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands |
NanoSat Learning Experiences and Risc V in Space Applications
Er. Nikhil Riyaz
Research Scientist, CIT/TU Delft, Netherlands, Former Student Representative, UNISEC India |
Orbital Simulations for Nano Satellites Using MATLAB
Ms. Inbisat Yousuf Nath,
PG Scholar-Physics, Central University of Kashmir, Student Representative, UNISEC India |
Announcement and Closing
Haruka Yasuda, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
40th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- January 20, 2024
- Theme:
- New Year's Resolution for 2024
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- George Maeda
39th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- December 16, 2023
- Theme:
- UNISEC-Global Activities (CLTP12, MIC8 and UNISON-Global)
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- George Maeda
38th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
- Date:
- October 21, 2023
- Theme:
- UNISEC-Global Local Chapter Empowerment Program(1)
~Candidate presentation for the next UNISEC-Global Meeting and student representative presentation~
- Host:
- UNISEC-Global
- Moderator:
- Max Berthet
37th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: September 16, 2023
Theme: Space Talent Incubation in Taiwan
Host: UNISEC-Taiwan
Moderator: Jyh-Ching Juang
36th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: August 19, 2023
Theme: Introduction to J-CUBE
Host: UNISEC-Japan
Moderator: Mengu Cho
35th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: July 15, 2023
Theme: Women4Space: Space-related Projects and Programs Led by Nepalese Women
Host: UNISEC-Nepal
Moderator: Ira Sharma
34th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: June 17, 2023
Theme: Per Aspera ad Astra: Student and experimental activities within the New Space scenario
Host: UNISEC-Italy
Moderator: Paolo Marzioli
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global |
CubeSat Mission Concepts and Preliminary Design at UniNA : from education to research
Prof. Alfredo Renga, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy |
Human space exploration: using CubeSats as scientific platforms and technological demonstrators
Dr. Marta Del Bianco, Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italy |
Group Photo session
All participants |
From caves to space: the S5Lab student experiments in stratosphere and cave analog missions
Dr. Paolo Marzioli, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
Student exchange program between Sapienza and Kyutech: Diary of an experience away from home
Giulio Mattei and Yudai Etsunaga, Sapienza University of Rome and Kyushu Institute of Technology, Italy and Japan |
Announcement and Closing
Haruka Yasuda, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
33rd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: May 20, 2023
Theme: Can Space Technology Mitigate Earthquake Damage?
Host: UNISEC-Global Secretariat
Moderator: George Maeda
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global |
Earthquake early warning precursors
G.P.Ganapathy, Professor, Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Management Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), India |
FOMOSAT-5 and FORMOSAT-7 Observations of Seismo-ionospheric Precursors
Jann-Yenq Liu, Director of Center for Astronautical Physics and Engineering, National Central University |
DEMETER Spacecraft: A Summary
František Němec, Charles University |
Group Photo session
All participants |
Mission design of 6U CubeSat PRELUDE to elucidate the DEMETER results
Masashi Kamogawa, Natural Disaster Research Section (NaDiR), Global Center for Asian and Regional Research, University of Shizuoka |
Introduction to the 8th Mission Idea Contest (MIC8)
Richard Long, MIC1 finalist |
Announcement and Closing
Haruka Yasuda, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
32nd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: April 15, 2023
Theme: Introduction on space projects in Tunisia
Host: UNISEC-Tunisia
31st Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: March 18, 2023
Theme: Planetary Defense
Host: UNISEC-Global Secretariat
Moderator: Nate Taylor
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Garvey Macintosh, NASA |
Near-Earth Object Research and Planetary Defense Activities - Past, Present, and Future
Makoto Yoshikawa, ISAS/JAXA |
Nano/Micro Satellites' Contribution to Planetary Defense
-Proposal for Rapid-response Flyby Exploration using Deep Space Constellation
Naoya Ozaki, ISAS/JAXA |
Group Photo session
All participants |
Q&A Session
All participants |
Student intern's graduation speech
Rio Kawate, Meiji University, UNISEC-Global |
Student intern's graduation speech
Samuel Ndayizeye, Tokai University, UNISEC-Global |
Announcement, introduction to new POC, Closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global, Agfianto Eko Putra, Universitas Gadjah Mada, and those who have announcements |
30th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: February 18, 2023
Theme: Introduction to Colombia Space Community
Host: UNISEC-Colombia
Moderator: Jose Fernando Jimenez and Giovanna Estefanía Ramírez Ruiz
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Jose Fernando Jimenez, Los Andes University |
FACSAT Program
Col. Sonia Rincón, Colombia Air Force |
Aerospace Engineering at the Universidad del Valle more than 10 years of challenges and satisfactions
Prof. Joao Ealo, Universidad del Valle, Cali |
Group Photos
All participants |
AstroCO Program
Prof. Mario Higuera, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá |
Aerospace Activities at UIS university
Prof. Julian Rodriguez, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga |
Aerospace activities at UDEA university
Prof. Juan Puerta, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín |
ROBOCOL Program, students initiatives
Daniel Triviño, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá |
Announcement and Closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
29th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: January 21, 2023
Theme: Space Weather Research Using Nano Satellites
Host: UNISEC-Japan
28th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: December 17, 2022
Theme: Year End Party, Reflecting on our journey
Host: UNISEC-Global Secretariat
Moderator: George Maeda
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
George Maeda, Advisor to UNISEC Global |
"Dream comes true" - 10-year experience in Mongolian Space Education
Tsolmon Renchin, Proffessor, University of Mongolia (Alternate Presenter: Enkhjargal Natsagdori / The National University of Mongolia) |
The UNISEC-Global 2022 Activity reviews
Rei Kawashima, Secretary General, UNISEC-Global |
12 Months with UNISEC-Global, "Bridging health and space"
Samuel Ndayizeye, UNISEC-Global Intern, Biomedical Engineering, Tokai University |
Group Photo Session
All participants |
Introduction to the Year End Party
Nate Taylor UNISEC Global |
Year End Party
All participants |
Announcement and closing remark
Rei Kawashima, Secretary General, UNISEC-Global |
27th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: November 19, 2022
Theme: Space Education, Transfer of Technology, and Capacity Building in Developing Countries
Moderator: Prof. Mohamed Khali
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Prof. Mohamed Khalil |
Capacity Building in Developing Countries
Prof. ATEF O. SHERIF / Former Chairman of National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences (NARSS) |
Transfer of Space Technology to Developing Nations
Prof. MOHAMED B. ARGOUN / Professor of Space Dynamics and Control, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Former Director of Egyptian Space Program |
The role of NARSS in building up Egyptian Space Program, Case studies NARSSCube Satellites and NARSS Experimental Satellites
Prof. MOHAMED B. ZAHRAN / Chairman of National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Science (NARSS) |
Group Photo Session
All participants |
All participants |
Announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
26th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
25th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: September 17, 2022
Theme: "Impacting space through capacity building activities"
Host: UNISEC-Global secretariat
Moderator: Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global
Movie | Presentation |
UNISEC report: On the sidelines of TICAD-8 in Tunisia: KiboCUBE Academy,Workshop on Africa-Japan CubeSat Cooperation
Mr. George Maeda, Advisor to UNISEC-Global |
Tunisia Space Essay Competition Awarding
Dr. Samer Lahouar, UNISEC-Tunisia, HE National Contact Point-Space |
Regional report(Space activities)-Ethiopia
Dr. Yeshurun Alemayehu Adde (Kibret), Point of contact-UNISEC-Ethiopia, Deputy Director General-Ethiopian Space Science & Technology Institute |
Group Photo Session
All participants |
Cansat Leader Training Program(CLTP 11) briefing session
Andrés Felipe Guarnizo Saavedra, CLTP 11 graduate, Assistant professor-Univerity of EAN and a member of UNISEC Colombia |
Cansat Leader Training Program(CLTP 11) briefing session
Mark Angelo Cabrera PURIO, CLTP 11 graduate, Doctoral student, Space System Engineering Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Cansat Leader Training Program(CLTP 11) briefing session
Alisher Aden, CLTP11 Graduate, Doctoral student-Almaty University of Energy and Communication named after G. Daukeyev. G. Daukeyev Almaty University of Energy and Communications |
Cansat Leader Training Program(CLTP 11) briefing session
Nursultan DOSZHAN, CLTP 11 graduate, Senior lecturer-Al-Farabi Kazakh National University |
All participants |
Announcement and closing
UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
24th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: August 20, 2022
Flier PDF / IMG
Theme: Space synergy: Opening avenues for the academe, industry, and local and international partnerships
Host: UNISEC-Philippines
Emcee/Moderator: Engr. Jeric Brioso, Senior Science Research Specialist, STeP-UP Project
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Prof. Paul Jason Co, Secretary, UNISEC-Philippines |
Philippine Small Satellites
Engr. John Leur Labrador, Chief Science Research Specialist, Spacecraft Mechanical and Autonomous Systems Development Division, Philippine Space Agency |
Engr. Lorena Ilagan, Dean, College of Engineering, University of Perpetual Help System-DALTA |
Towards development of satellite payloads in the Philippines
Dr. Paul Leonard Atchong Hilario, Space Science and Technology Applications Researcher II, Spacecraft Payload and Communications Systems Development Division, Philippine Space Agency |
Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA)'s Initiatives for Knowhow Sharing and Capacity Building
Dr. Adrian Salces, Supervising Science Research Specialist, Spacecraft Payload and Communications Systems Development Division, Philippine Space Agency |
Group Photo Session
All participants |
All participants |
Announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
23rd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: July 16, 2022
Moderator: Nate Taylor
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
George Maeda, UNISEC-Global |
Space and SDGs
Satoru Kurosu, Yokogawa Electric Corporation |
Introduction to PreMIC8 Workshop - Constellation and Formation Flying Mission Design
Shinichi Nakasuka, The University of Tokyo |
Regional report (Space activities)-Kazakhstan
Zaure Rakisheva, UNISEC-Kazakhstan, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan |
Regional report (Space activities)-Zimbabwe
Timothy Kuhamba, Kyushu Institute of technology, Zimbabwe |
Regional report (Space activities)- Dominican Republic
Gorki Ernesto Encarnación Morrobel, The APEC University (UNAPEC), Dominican Republic |
 | Regional report (Space activities)- Colombia
Giovanna Ramirez, UNISEC-Colombia, Colombia |
Group Photo session
All participants |
All participants |
Announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
22nd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: June 18, 2022.
Theme: "Satellite Engineering training in Southern Africa Region: the impact of Universities, Industry, and Government"
Host: UNISEC-SAR(South African Region)
21st Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: May 21, 2022
Theme: Engineer Your CubeSat: Frugal Way to Access LEO
Host: UNISEC-India
Moderator: Ms. Bhavana Savanth, Core Technical Team, Scientist/Engineer, 75 Satellites Project/TSC Technologies and UNISEC India
Movie | Presentation |
Opening Remarks
Dr. L.V. Muralikrishna Reddy, President, UNISEC India, President, Indian Technology Congress Association and 75 Students’ Satellites Consortium: Mission 2022 |
Engineer Your CubeSat: 75 Students' Satellites Mission 2022 to Celebrate India’s Freedom 75 Years
Padma Shri Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai, Outstanding Scientist, Former Director, ISRO Satellite Centre, Project Director, Chandrayaan 1 & 2 (Moon Mission of India) and Programme Director, Mars Orbiter Mission (MoM) |
Report on UNISEC India Chapter Activities and Noteworthy Events
Er. Nikhil Riyaz, Student Representative, UNISEC India, Founder CEO, TSC Technologies P Ltd and Core Technical Team, 75 Students’ Satellites Mission 2022 |
Space Exploration and Analog Astronaut Training Opportunities
Dr. Jayakumar Venkatesan, Director of Human Spaceflight Research, Analog Astronaut Training Center, Poland and Valles Marineris International Private Limited (Aerospace Company), India |
Space Applications for Early Warning Systems, Disaster Mitigation and Management
Padma Shri Prof. R. M. Vasagam, Eminent Scientist, ISRO. Project Director, India’s First Geo-Stationary Communication Satellite “APPLE”. Former Vice Chancellor, Anna University, Dr.MGR University |
Introduction to World CanSat/Rocketry Championship - WCRC(TBC)
Er. Dušan Radosavljević. Head, Committee for Space Programme Development (CSPD), Serbia, Founder World CanSat Rocketry Consortium (WCRC) and POC, UNISEC Serbia |
Group Photo session
All participants |
All participants (MC: Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global) |
Announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
20th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: April 16, 2022
Theme: Space Capacity Building for a Sustainable World
Host: UNISEC-Global Secretariat
Moderator: George Maeda, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Movie | Presentation |
J-CUBE webinar announcement
George Maeda, Kyutech |
Opening Remarks
Shinichi Nakasuka, the University of Tokyo |
Introduction to HEPTA-Sat training
Masahiko Yamazaki, Nihon University |
CLTP-8 experience
Sibel Turkoglu, Istanbul Technical University |
CLTP-10 experience
KUHAMBA Timothy Kudzanayi, Kyutech, (the Zimbabwe National Geospatial Agency (ZINGSA)) |
CLTP-1 experience
Willy Cabañas, Guatemala |
CLTP-6 experience
Omar Ben Bahri, Taif University (video message) |
Group Photo session
All participants |
Breakout session (Theme: Space Capacity Building for a Sustainable World)
All participants (MC: Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global) |
Acknowledgement, Announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global, Zaure Rakisheva, UNISEC-Kazakhstan, and those who wants to announce |
19th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: March 19, 2022
Theme: Potential Use Cases of Space Technology in Emerging Nations
Host: UNISEC-Nepal
18th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: February 19, 2022
Theme: Space Industry Expectations from Academia (UNISEC)
Host: UNISEC-Turkey
17th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: January 22, 2022
16th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: December 18, 2021
15th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: November 20, 2021
14th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: October 16, 2021
Moderator: George MAEDA, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Movie | Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Shinichi Nakasuka, The Univerisity of Tokyo |
The Beautiful Skies for All
Masatoshi Ohishi, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
Group Photo session
All participants |
Discussion (Theme: Lost Dark Sky)
All participants (MC: Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global) |
Announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
13th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: September 18, 2021
Moderator: George MAEDA, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Movie | Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Toshinori Kuwahara, Chairperson, UNISEC-Japan (Tohoku University) |
An Australian Space Story
Michael Davis, Chair, The Andy Thomas Foundation |
Group Photo session
All participants |
Discussion (Theme: Your Faith, Your Story)
MC: Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global |
Activity report - UNISEC-Tunisia
Kamel Besbes, Director General of Centre for Research on Microelectronics and Nanotechnology
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - TUNISIA |
Announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global, Kikuko Miyata, Meijo University, and those who have announcements |
The 12th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: August 21, 2021
The 11th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: July 17, 2021
Moderator: George MAEDA, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Movie | Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Sir MartinSweeing, SSTL and SSC |
Healthy Interdependency - ISU and Space Agencies
Juan De Dalmau, ISU |
Breakout discussion (Theme: Space Education -scenario study)
MC: Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global |
Sharing of Breakout discussion (1 minute presentation from each group) |
Activity report - UNISEC-Nepal
Devraj Pant, UNISEC-Nepal |
Announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
The 10th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: June 19, 2021
Moderator: MAEDA George, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Movie | Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Mengu Cho, Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Space (Agency) Education Rating
Quentin Verspieren, the University of Tokyo |
Breakout discussion (Theme: Space Education Rating)
MC: Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global |
Sharing of Breakout discussion (1 minute presentation from each group) |
Activity report - UNISEC-Egypt
Ayman Kassem, Cairo University |
Activity report - UNISEC-Mongolia
Enkhjargal Natsagdorj, the National University of Mongolia |
Acknowledgement, announcement, closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements |
The 9th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: May 15, 2021
Moderator: MAEDA George, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Movie | Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Shinichi Nakasuka, the University of Tokyo |
Guidelines for Space Weather Research and Operation proposed by Space Weather Expert Group in UNCOPUOS
Takahiro Obara, Tohoku University |
How to Monitor Space Plasma with Nanosatellites - Challenges and Opportunities
Ayman Mahmoud Ahmed, Egyptian Space Agency |
Breakout discussion (Theme: Space Weather)
MC: Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global |
Sharing of Breakout discussion (1 minute presentation from each group) |
Costa Rica's Approach -MIC6 and MIC7
Carlos Rodriguez, Tecnológico de Costa Rica |
Acknowledgement, announcement, closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global, Klaus Schilling, Wuerzburg University and those who have announcements |
The 8th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: April 17, 2021
Moderator: MAEDA George, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Movie | Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Shinichi Nakasuka, the University of Tokyo |
Access to Space for All
Jorge Del Rio Vera, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) |
Breakout discussion (Theme:Access to Space for All)
Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global |
Sharing of Breakout discussion (1 minute presentation from each group) |
Regional Report: UNISEC-Japan
Mengu Cho. Kyushu Institute of Technology, UNISEC-Japan |
Project report: investigating university-led space technology development and utilisation capacity building programs
Quentin Verspieren, Researcher, Science, Technology and Innovation Governance (STIG) Program, |
Acknowledgement, announcement, closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global and those who have announcements, Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, Spacebase, Igor Belokonov, Samara National Research University, and James Barrington-Brown, New Space Systems) |
The 7th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: March 20, 2021
Moderator: MAEDA George, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Movie | Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Shinichi Nakasuka, the University of Tokyo |
Hisotry and Future of ARLISS
Ken Biba, AeroPAC |
Breakout discussion (Theme:Comepetition and Collaboration)
Nate Taylor, UNISEC |
Sharing of Breakout discussion (1 minute presentation from each group)
Nate Taylor, UNISEC Intern |
Regional Report: UNISEC-India
Nikhil Riyaz and Tarun Sai Reddy |
Regional Report: UNISEC-Thailand
Chawalwat Martkamjan |
Corporate presentation
Jerry Seller, TSTI |
Acknowledgement, announcement, closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global |
The 6th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: February 20, 2021
The 5th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: January 16, 2021
Moderator: MAEDA George, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Movie | Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Shinichi Nakasuka, the University of Tokyo |
"Road to Hayabusa-2 from CanSat and CubeSat" (incl. 5 min Q&A)
Yuichi Tsuda, Project Manager of Hayabusa-2, ISAS/JAXA |
Group breakout session: What are the pros and cons of using micro/nano satellites for deep space exploration?
Nate Taylor, UNISEC-Global |
Sharing of Breakout discussion
Robert Twiggs, Destination Space -STEM |
Special Speech (incl. 5 min Q&A)
Robert Twiggs, Destination Space -STEM |
Corporate presentation
Dennis Elgaard, GomSpace |
Introduction to the 7th Mission Idea Contest for Deep Space Science and Exploration with micro/nano satellites
Shinichi Nakasuka, the University of Tokyo |
New member acknowledgement, announcement, and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global |
The 4th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: December 12, 2020
Moderator: MAEDA George, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
Herman Steyn, Stellenbosch University, UNISEC-SAR |
"Hybrid Rockets are a Game-changing Technology for In-Space Transportation" (incl. 5 min Q&A)
Landon Kamps, Hokkaido University |
"TIM Ground station network and UNISEC prospects" (incl. 5 min Q&A)
Mohd Bilal and Alexander Kleinschrodt, Würzburg University |
Introduction to Group breakout session: How can we realize "Vision 2030-All"?
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global |
Breakout session
Moderator: Nate Taylor, UNISEC Intern |
Sharing of Breakout discussion
Moderator: Nate Taylor, UNISEC Intern |
Local Chapter presentation: UNISEC-Philippines
Edgar Violan, the Philippine Space Agency |
Corporate presentation
Benoit Chamot, CubeSpace Satellite Systems Pty Ltd |
Space Job Fair 2020 Report
Yosuke Mori, UNISEC-Japan |
New member acknowledgement, announcement and closing
Rei Kawashima, UNISEC-Global |
The 3rd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: November 14, 2020
Moderator: MAEDA George, Kyutech, UNISEC-Japan
Presentation |
Welcome and Opening remarks
My 20-year journey with micro/nano satellites
KUWAHARA Toshinori, Tohoku University, UNISEC-Japan (chairperson) |
Introduction of breakout discussion session - Why do emerging nations need to spend resources for space activities?
Sir Martin Sweeting, SSTL and Surrey Space Centre |
Sharing of Breakout discussion (1 minute presentation from each group)
Moderator: Nate Taylor, UNISEC Intern |
Q&A (free topics) with Sir Martin, based on 50-year experience with small satellites
Moderator: MAEDA George, Kyutech |
Regional Report: UNISEC-Bangladesh
Raihana Shams Islam Antara, BRAC University, UNISEC-Bangladesh |
Corporate presentation - ai-solutions
Moataz Abdelazim, ai-solutions |
Acknowledgement of new local chapter (UNISEC-Nepal) and new members
The 2nd Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: October 10, 2020
The 1st Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting
Date: September 12, 2020
Moderator: Mansur Celebi, Sabanci University, UNISEC-Turkey
Presentation |
Opening Remarks
When collaboration (cooperation) works more than competition
CHO Mengu, Kyushu Institute of Technology, POC of UNISEC-Japan |
Expectation to UNISEC-Global
Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim, Egyptian Space Agency |
CubeSat, Space Education in Nepal and the Question of Moving Forward
Abhas Maskey, Kyushu Institute of Technology, on behalf of POC of UNISEC-Nepal (in the founding process) |
How COVID-19 is affecting the new space and how engineering education can be realized in difficult time?
JUANG Jyh-Ching, National Cheng Kung University, POC of UNISEC-Taiwan |