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Dr. Enkhjargal Natsagdorj

the National University of Mongolia, Mongolia

Dr. Enkhjargal Natsagdorj

Dr Enkhjargal Natsagdorj holds a PhD degree in Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing from Ghent University in Belgium. Prior degrees were earned at the National University of Mongolia (M.S.) and the Mongolian State University of Agriculture (B.S.) in Mongolia. She has done her exchange research at the University of Vienna, Austria.

Currently, she is a researcher of the NUM-ITC-UNESCO Remote Sensing and Space Science laboratory at the National University of Mongolia. Her research interests include Remote Sensing and GIS application for environment, ecology and natural resource management. She has published articles in various journals, including "Global Change Biology", "Remote Sensing", "Geo-Spatial Information Science", "Geocarto International", and "Forest Science and Technology". Besides, she was the secretary of the BIRDS-1 project in Mongolia for Mongolian first satellite-Mazaalai from 2015-2017. She is a member of the Mongolian Geospatial Association (MGA) since 2015.

Contact: Enkhjargal_spe(at)num.edu.mn

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