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Dr. Amelia Greig

Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at El Paso, United States

Dr. Greig

Dr. Amelia Greig is an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Texas at El Paso. She teaches courses in spacecraft propulsion and space mission design, and leads Center for Space Exploration and Technology Research (cSETR)small satellite and propulsion programs.

Dr. Greig has degrees in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Science (majoring in Theoretical Physics) from the University of Adelaide, where she won the Most Innovative Honours Project award for the design, build and test of Australia’s first atmospheric plasma thruster. She completed her PhD in Physics at the Australian National University using experiments and simulations to validate the design of a new electrothermal plasma micro-thruster, known as 'Pocket Rocket', designed for use on CubeSats.

Outside of work she is a competitive highland (Scottish) dancer, and has competed at events around the World and performed in the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. She also enjoys playing and umpiring field hockey, and exploring America's National and State Parks on her motorbike.

Contact: adgreig(at)utep.edu

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